{"id":1594,"date":"2018-04-23T00:00:00","date_gmt":"2018-04-23T04:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/aurora-institute.org\/blog\/ha-in-hawaii-redefining-success-for-whole-child-learning\/"},"modified":"2022-11-04T16:42:34","modified_gmt":"2022-11-04T20:42:34","slug":"ha-in-hawaii-redefining-success-for-whole-child-learning","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/aurora-institute.org\/blog\/ha-in-hawaii-redefining-success-for-whole-child-learning\/","title":{"rendered":"H\u0100 in Hawai\u2019i: Redefining Success for Whole Child Learning"},"content":{"rendered":"

Emerging research in the science of learning asserts that environmental, developmental, psychological, emotional and cultural contexts and experiences are highly interrelated. These contexts individually and collectively impact the educational outcomes of students. Student-centered learning focuses on the development of the whole child, allowing students to co-design learning environments that support both cognitive and social-emotional skills, knowledge and habits. Education stakeholders, such as state and district leaders, community members and educators, are answering the call to focus on educating the whole child to increase learning opportunities and ensure every student can reach high expectations for success. <\/span><\/p>\n

Under the <\/span>Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)<\/span><\/a>, states have an opportunity to build K-12 education systems that reflect their communities\u2019 values and aspirations for their students. Several states are beginning to explore designing a vision for student success by articulating the skills, knowledge and dispositions students should have upon graduating from the state\u2019s K-12 education system. Through redefining and creating a statewide vision for success of the whole child, states can begin to transform their education systems in a coherent manner in which every function and individual has a clear role to play in helping all students succeed. <\/span><\/p>\n

H\u0100 in Hawai\u2019i<\/h3>\n

In Hawai\u2019i, a concept called \u201c<\/span>H\u0100<\/span><\/i>\u201d guides the state\u2019s vision for rooting student learning with Hawaiian cultural values and beliefs. With a foundation in Hawaiian values, language, culture and history, H\u0100 reflects the uniqueness of Hawai\u2019i and is meaningful in all places of learning. H\u0100 supports a holistic learning process with universal appeal and application to guide learners and leaders in the entire school community.<\/span><\/p>\n

According to the <\/span>Hawai\u2019i Consolidated State ESSA Plan<\/span><\/a>, <\/span>H\u0100<\/span><\/i>, which means \u201cbreath\u201d in the Hawai\u2019ian language, is derived from <\/span>N\u0101 Hopena<\/span><\/i> (\u201cend goals\u201d) <\/span>A\u2018o <\/span><\/i>(\u201clearning and teaching\u201d). \u00a0H\u0100<\/span> \u201c<\/span><\/i>was developed through a widespread community process of dialogue, feedback and co-creation, and includes competencies designed to develop a strengthened sense of: <\/span><\/p>\n