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Symposium 2021
Ambitious teaching and learning focuses on three core concepts: 1) teachers and students have a shared understanding of their learning goals; 2) students are sharing their thinking; and 3) learning is grounded in discourse (Shepard, as cited in Heritage and Wylie, 2020). In this moderated panel discussion, participants, teachers, and students will engage in interactive conversations regarding the practices, refections, and lessons learned that transformed their classroom experiences.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand the “what” of ambitious teaching and learning and its connectedness and foundational importance to a competency-based education system.
  2. Understand the “how” of ambitious teaching and learning through shared practical resources and experiences from classroom teachers.
  3. Understand the “why” of ambitious teaching and learning through interactions with students who’ve experienced this type of learning.


  • Jonathan Vander Els, New Hampshire Learning Initiative
  • Kathy White, New Hampshire Learning Initiative
  • Irene Stinson, Laconia Schools
  • Gail Bourn, Laconia Schools
  • Anthony Doucet, Souhegan High School
  • Riley, Souhegan High School
  • Masha, Souhegan High School