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Symposium 2021

Empowering Online and Blended Programs to Customize Legally Sound Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities, Especially in a Post-COVID-19 World

Breakout Session - October 26, 2021 | 1:15-2:15pm ET

As a follow up to last year’s well received workshop, special education attorneys will utilize an engaging format to discuss the latest topics and cases relevant to the challenges and opportunities associated with educating students with disabilities in online and blended programs. There will be specific emphasis on empowering teams by providing a framework and tools to help customize legally sound plans for students with disabilities.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand applicable laws and regulations pertaining to students with disabilities and how to practically intersect law with personalized planning.
  2. Be equipped to address potential issues before they lead to complaints, with strategies for avoiding potential liability.
  3. Be empowered to customize personalized learning for students with disabilities and to advocate for positive outcomes.


  • Nicole Snyder, McKenna and Snyder
  • Kevin McKenna, McKenna and Snyder