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Symposium 2021
Students have unique needs, strengths, and areas of vulnerability to strengthen, support, restore, and maintain. Instead of asking why a student isn’t motivated, or what is “wrong” with them, we can ask: how can we create an equitable school environment that does not identify the student as the problem, but honors individual context and addresses inequitable structures, policies, and practices? Learn about an integrated, tiered system of supports that is grounded in science and centers student assets.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Learn the key principles for integrated, tiered systems of supports that recognize and meet the needs of each student.
  2. Learn about approaches to optimize your school’s student support systems to address students’ needs in authentically personalized ways.
  3. Deepen your understanding of the impact of trauma and adversity on learning and development.


  • Renee Prince, Turnaround for Children
  • Tami Hill-Washington, Turnaround for Children