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Symposium 2021
Washington recently made significant investments in expanding mastery-based learning (MBL) by extending the directive of the MBL Work Group and by creating a state-funded grant program to support MBL demonstration sites throughout the state. We will present on the progress of the Work Group in creating a state Profile of a Graduate, which will be used to align the state’s education system, including graduation requirements, and transform the system to advance equity and personalized education.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand how Washington State’s Profile of a Graduate will be used to implement transformational changes to the state’s education system.
  2. Be informed about, and be able to implement in your state, strategies for increasing engagement from disparate sectors across the state.
  3. Be able to identify potential challenges and successes in initiating mastery-based learning pilot programs at the school and district level.



  • Alissa Muller, Washington State Board of Education
  • Ashley Lin, Union High School
  • Senator Lisa Wellman, Washington State Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee
  • Ron Mayberry, Bethel School District
  • Rhett Nelson, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)