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Symposium 2021

Whole-Child Design: How To Use The Science of Learning and Development to Redesign Classrooms, Schools, and Systems and Accelerate Healthy Development, Learning, and Thriving

Breakout Session - October 25, 2021 | 3:40-4:00pm ET

To reimagine a more just education system, we must begin with an equitable whole-child purpose, where educators prioritize relationships as the active ingredient in learning; meet student needs in personalized ways; tap into strengths, interests, and talents; and facilitate academic progress. We’ll introduce the Whole-Child Design Blueprint, which synthesizes research across scientific fields, enabling educators to apply principles of whole-child design to unleash student learning and development.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand key insights from the science of learning and development and whole-child design.
  2. See your own role in creating contexts for learning and thriving.
  3. Access resources to begin the whole-child redesign process.


  • Gretchen Livesey, Turnaround for Children
  • MenSa Ankh Maa, Turnaround for Children