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Symposium 2021

Connect2Learn: Identifying Dimensions of Digital Inequity and Responding with a Multi-Layered Approach that Responds to Students’ Needs and Alters the Community’s Digital Ecosystem

Breakout Session - October 27, 2021 | 1:15-1:35pm ET

Join this session for a case study based on the City of Fresno and Fresno Unified School District that reveals dimensions of digital inequity and considers multiple layers of response necessary to both support students and alter the community’s digital ecosystem. These layers include technology, supports, learning, teaching, and schooling. Fresno Unified built a dark fiber network, a private cellular LTE network, shifted to 1×1, and collaborated with community partners to improve access in digitally redlined areas of Fresno.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Learn how we worked to improve community digital ecosystems and digital access in neighborhoods.
  2. Learn how we changed teacher practices in ways that better engage students and prepare students for #AsYetImagined futures.
  3. Be inspired and build upon your action plan to improve digital access in your community.


  • Philip Neufeld, Fresno Unified School District