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Symposium 2021
Since 2017, Colorado Education Initiative has collaborated with national organizations, supported district and charter accountability pilots, and worked in partnership with advocacy organizations, philanthropy, and state agencies to explore the future of accountability. The topic has new relevance in the wake of COVID-19, including for students and families. With assessment shifts, a multi-year pause to state accountability, and deeper understanding of local school quality measures, now is the time for action.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Learn about what it can look like to effectively include systems that support competency-based, personalized learning within a system of state accountability.
  2. Learn about rural and urban school and district pilots underway in Colorado. Pilots emphasized continual improvement and developing a system with greater educator buy-in.
  3. Learn about the ways students, family, and community can (and should) be woven into accountability design and execution.



  • Rebecca Holmes, Colorado Education Initiative
  • Lori Cooper, Fountain-Fort Carson School District
  • Bree Jones, La Veta School District
  • Julie Oxenford O’Brian, University of Colorado Denver