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How can we use the learning sciences to empower every learner to become agents and advocates of their own learning? In this session, you will participate in a practical process in how to develop a Learner Profile that can empower learners to share who they are, how they learn, and what they aspire to be, their identity. Learn from a special education case manager who implements Learner Profiles with her high school learners how they advocate for their learning and lead their own IEP meetings.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Develop a Learner Profile of a learner they know so that the learner can identify and discuss strengths, challenges, preferences, and needs in their learning.
  2. Understand how to build a Personal Learning Backpack of tools, skills, and practices needed to enhance a strength of support challenge with a learner they know.
  3. Understand how they can have learners lead their IEP meetings by advocating for goals to support their learning.


  • Kathleen McClaskey, Founder and UDL/Personalized Learning Consultant, Make Learning Personal; CEO and Chief Learning Officer, Empower the Learner, LLC | @khmmc
  • Andelee Espinosa, Special Education Teacher, Brookfield Center High School | @AndeleeEspinosa