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Symposium 2020
Competency-based education is a system designed to ensure equity for all students to develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed for college and career success. This session will introduce the rationale for transforming to competency-based systems and discuss key strategies such as cultural responsiveness, building student agency, advancing based on mastery, varied pacing and pathways, and meaningful assessment. We will also discuss resources and policies that support effective implementation.


Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand the rationale for and elements of competency-based education.
  2. Build awareness of resources and policies that enable implementation of competency-based education.
  3. Identify strategies to deepen your setting’s competency-based transformation.










  • Eliot Levine, Research Director, Aurora Institute | @Eliot_Levine
  • Alexis Chambers, Policy Associate, Aurora Institute | @AChambersEdu
  • Travis Lape, Innovative Programs Director, Harrisburg Schools | @travislape
  • Althea Brutus-Garraway, ESL/ELA Teacher, New York City Schools
  • Rosmery Milczewski, Assistant Principal, New York City Schools