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Symposium 2020
The abrupt shift to remote learning this year revealed many inequities. A spotlight was shone on grading and reporting – an already contentious and emotionally fraught topic. In this session, we will review the eight central tenets that should guide schools’ efforts to examine their grading and reporting systems. We will explore sample policies and grading guidelines from schools that have used these tenets to successfully re-design their systems for equitable, competency-based learning.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Reflect on current practices and experiences.
  2. Deepen understanding of the tenets that move a school toward more equitable grading practices.
  3. Create a plan for implementing more equitable grading and reporting practices in our own classroom or school.


  • Mark Kostin, Associate Director, Great Schools Partnership | @nessc_me
  • Kate Gardoqui, Senior Associate, Great Schools Partnership | @KateGardoqui
  • Katie Thompson, Co-Director of Coaching, Great Schools Partnership | @GreatSchoolsP