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Symposium 2020
The need to move towards more personalized, flexibly delivered professional learning for educators has never been more urgent; efforts to serve learners equitably during COVID-19 has increased the demands teachers face as well as the need to support learning in remote and hybrid settings. This session will offer participants both a grounding framework around professional development offered through online means as well as offer various strategies and resources to start building and implementing new experiences. Research-informed recommendations will be complemented by the “on the ground” perspective of two district leaders actively translating theory to practice as they innovate in their systems. Participants will be given tools, insights, and examples of personalized and remote PD in action to both reflect on their own practice as well as explore varied approaches to enable choice, ownership, and more focused support for their educators.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Learn about key research-based quality drivers that support effective learning for educators in the remote and blended learning spaces.
  2. Learn about specific strategies used by districts that engage educators by allowing choice around pace, place, path, and even content to ensure ownership and personalization.
  3. Explore concrete resources and strategies to start building your own personalized remote and hybrid experiences for your educators.


  • Beth Rabbitt, CEO, The Learning Accelerator
  • Juliana Finegan, Managing Partner, The Learning Accelerator
  • Errika Baker, Director of Personalized Learning, Chicago Public Schools
  • Kristen Watkins, Director, Personalized Learning, Dallas Independent School District