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Symposium 2020
Youth apprenticeship is a promising strategy for challenging persistent inequities in the educational and employment outcomes of youth, while simultaneously addressing the talent needs of employers in industries such as healthcare, IT, advanced manufacturing, business & professional services, and education. This session will explore some innovative youth apprenticeship models emerging around the United States, and consider how the partnerships that make youth apprenticeship successful can strengthen and expand work-based learning ecosystems.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand the dimensions and potential of high-quality youth apprenticeship.
  2. Learn about promising practices and programs youth apprenticeship partnerships emerging across the U.S.
  3. Consider how youth apprenticeship fits into emerging work-based learning systems.


  • Taylor White, National Director, Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship and Senior Policy Advisor for K-12 Education and Workforce, New America | @TcWhite1
  • Martha Ross, Senior Fellow, Metropolitan Policy Program, The Brookings Institution | @marthahross
  • Joyce Hwang, Senior Program Associate, Center for Education and Labor, New America | @JoyceBHwang