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Symposium 2020
Families have learned a lot about school and educators have had to make countless pivots to how we engage learners and families and deliver instruction. Do you have ways to authentically co-create post-COVID school with families? In this session, we will hear real and messy examples from communities that took on this process explicitly as a means of expanding who they hear from and who has influence. Participants will reflect on these stories to begin to create equity seeking plans of their own.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Learn how to engage families as co-creators of post-COVID schooling.
  2. Examine the role power dynamics and history play in making authentic co-creation challenging.
  3. Understand more about why and how to keep families in ongoing learning networks.


  • Gretchen Morgan, State Engagement Advisor, Center for Innovation in Education | @Gretchedu
  • Doannie Tran, Strategy and Diversity Equity and Inclusion Fellow, Center for Innovation in Education | @doannietran
  • Paul Leather, Director, Interstate Learning Community, Center for Innovation in Education | @CIEleadlearning