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Symposium 2020
While the framework of social emotional learning (SEL) is often used in concert with blended and personalized learning (BL/PL) strategies, there exists some tensions between these practices, as well as strong complementarities. This session targets the specific implementation challenge of fostering SEL while also supporting BL/PL. This session brings together research as well as on-the-ground experience from a school district that is currently implementing both SEL and BL/PL.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Gain knowledge on the research-based competencies to effectively combine SEL and BL/PL.
  2. Gain hands-on design experience for developing your own competencies around SEL + BL/PL.
  3. Engage in a Challenge-Solution focus for group analysis of the tensions and opportunities of combining a focus on SEL with a focus and practice on BL/PL.


  • Heather Greenhalgh-Spencer, Chair of Graduate Studies in Blended and Personalized Learning, Texas Tech University | @TexasTech
  • Jeasik Cho, Associate Professor of Personalized Learning, Texas Tech University | @TTUEducation
  • Claudia Meza, Instructional Coach and Teacher Leader, Spring Branch Independent School District | @SBISD