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Symposium 2020
Schools are recognizing the need to build opportunities to meaningfully integrate opportunities for students to practice and develop skills and dispositions, these sometimes overlooked “competencies,” that are critical to success. In this session, three New Hampshire educators, who over the past four years have helped to develop an evolved model of integration, will help participants determine their current reality and next steps through self-evaluation, utilizing unique session experiences, tools, and resources.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Learn how New Hampshire’s approach to integrating work-study practices has evolved over the past five years.
  2. Be introduced to multiple resources that have been developed to better understand how these can be applied in their own settings.
  3. Develop a plan, with support from the presenters, to bring back to their schools/classrooms to deepen their own integration of skills and dispositions.


  • Jonathan Vander Els, Director, New Hampshire Learning Initiative | @jvanderels
  • Ellen Hume-Howard, CEO, New Hampshire Learning Initiative | @MrsHumeHoward
  • Paul Leather, Director, Interstate Learning Community, Center for Innovation in Education | @CIEleadlearning