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Monday, October 16, 2023

Meet the Experts Sessions: 9:45 AM – 10:45 AM PT

Personalized Learning for School and Community Reciprocity

School and community reciprocity opens the doors of school buildings and allows students the opportunity to learn in and with the community. This session will offer two examples of personalized learning and assessment that is responsive to local context, culture, and language. In particular, participants will learn about the Real-World Learning Portfolio from Big Picture Schools and the graduation capstone performance assessments in New Mexico that are aligned to local graduate profiles.

Meet the Experts Sessions: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PT

Innovation Zones, A Path to Local Wisdom

Participants will learn about the Innovation Zone strategy in New Mexico. The initiative is a vertical strategy that includes students, teachers, school leaders and the State Department of Education. Each strata aligned in a collective effort to address the 400 years of historic inequities in the state that are rooted in colonization.

Meet the Experts Sessions: 1:45 PM – 2:45 PM PT

Colorblind or Naw? A Deep Dive Into How Colorblindness Impacts School Culture

Are you really ready to unlearn? Do you want to have real conversations about race in your school? This interactive workshop gives school leaders and educators an opportunity to self-reflect, learn, and combat colorblindness within their organizations. Through a series of activities and dialogue, session attendees will examine school pain points hindering organizational goals. Bias can contribute to how we view the world, but how does your racial bias present itself within the school culture?

Meet the Experts Sessions: 1:45 PM – 2:45 PM PT

How Local, State, and National Policies Can Support CBE and Personalized Learning

In this session, participants will have an opportunity to discuss how policy can be a lever to support personalized, competency-based learning. They will gain a greater understanding of what supportive policies could be put into place to further competency-based education and personalized instruction.

Meet the Experts Sessions: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM PT

Sustaining Systems Transformation…Lindsay Unified 15 Years Into the Journey!

Lindsay Superintendent Tom Rooney and Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction Cinnamon Scheufele will lead a conversation about sustaining systems transformation. Participants will be invited to share challenges and successes and engage in dialogue to discover best practices for the sustained and systemic advancement of learning. A few of Lindsay’s signature practices will be shared and participants will receive guidance on how to best navigate the challenges that all too often thwart systems transformation.

Meet the Experts Sessions: 4:15 PM – 5:15 PM PT

Increasing BIPOC Voices at the Policy Table

This session will provide compelling racial and gender equity data, and a space to have the hard conversation about equity both at the state leadership and district levels. A core challenge in equity policy work today continues to be the lack of BIPOC voices at the table. This lack of authentic representation leads to an absence of cultural perspective in policy making. We have the opportunity to create a more representative policy table to allow people of color to speak for themselves.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Meet the Experts Sessions: 9:45 AM – 10:45 AM PT

Leadership Perspective on Kindling a Competency-Based Mindset

Competency-based education is gaining popularity across the country. But just because it’s gaining popularity nationwide doesn’t mean it will be immediately popular among your staff. Two competency-based practitioners turned leaders will facilitate a conversation on gaining buy-in for competency-based education and share their own lessons from both past and current initiatives.

Meet the Experts Sessions: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PT

Reimagining and Reconceptualizing Assessment for the Future of Learning

Assessment – gathering and looking at evidence to understand what is known – plays a central role in personalized, competency-based learning. Join two leaders from the Assessment for Learning movement and Aurora’s CompetencyWorks Director for an interactive discussion of all things assessment from practical ideas for performance assessment design, portfolios, and how to rethink our assessment systems to philosophical reflections about the role of assessment in equity and belonging.