Join the premiere event of education innovators working to transform K-12 education at the Aurora Institute Symposium on November 2-5, 2024 in New Orleans, LA. Stay for the community, lessons about education innovation from the field, and the latest research and policy to support education transformation. Leave equipped to take immediate action in advancing next generation learning designs.
As an attendee, you’ll have access to inspirational keynote presentations and breakout sessions showcasing the field’s brightest ideas – providing an inside look at cutting edge approaches, strategies, and guidance.
Aurora Institute Symposium 2024 Pricing
*Member: $1035
*Non-Member: $1550
**Presenters (Members): $580
**Presenters (Non-Members): $735
**Current Policy Makers: $0
**Full-time Higher Ed Student: $499
**K-12 Students: $0
**Media: $0
Aurora Institute Symposium Pre-Conference Workshop Pricing
Pre-Conference Workshop: $420
*Early Bird Pricing ended on 11:59 PM ET July 31, 2024. **Members, Current Policymakers, K-12 Students, FT Higher Ed Students, Presenters, and Media please contact Zorana Vulevic at [email protected] for a discount code.

Become an Aurora Institute member to attend the Symposium at a discounted rate.