“Where should I publish?” List of peer-reviewed journal for K-12 blended and online learning shared by Kristen DeBruler
Education Domain Blog
Regular contributor Dr. Kristen DeBruler, Researcher at the Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute, introduces a list of peer-reviewed journals for K-12 blended and online learning in today’s post:
The Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute (MVLRI), who with iNACOL jointly operates the Research Clearinghouse for K-12 Blended & Online Learning, compiled a list of peer-reviewed journals that publish pertinent scholarship specific to K-12 online and blended learning. The list (found here) includes journal titles, publishers, impact factor (when applicable), and links to email alerts and RSS feeds, and is intended as a resource for those looking both to publish K-12 online and blended research, and those looking to stay up-to-date with newly published research.
K-12 Online & Blended Journal List Hyperlink: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApjUwWLTenA4dGtCdkluangxcVI0Y0hBZ2dBMnJCdkE&usp=drive_web#gid=0