Getting Started
CompetencyWorks Blog

I’ve been getting increased requests from districts and schools looking for consultants or resources to help them get started in the transformation from a time-based to competency-based system. So I’ve put together a short list of some of the resources that are available to help folks get started (and I’ll keep adding to the wiki as more resources become available). One thing to pay attention to — all the districts that I know about that are getting results were participating with the Reinventing Schools Coalition at some point.
Strategic and Action Plans
- Lindsay Unified School District (and RTT winner) has their Strategic Design on their website. (you will need to scroll down about ¾)
- Maine’s RSU 2 has a Standards-Based, Learner-Centered plan that gives a sense of all the types of questions districts and schools will need to rethink. They also have developed a rubric using a competency based framework (developing, performing and advanced) for best practices. Read about their journey to competency education.
- Maine’s Center for Best Practices has prepared three case studies to help you think ahead about the issues you might run up against.
Explanatory Resources
- Adams 50 shares their model design, glossary, information for parents
- Spaulding High School shares their policies and resources on a wiki
- RSU 18’s presentation to the school board
In the Classroom
- RSU 18 lists the tools they use to structure student voice and choice.
- Maine’s Center for Best Practices offers examples from three districts and video’s from student and teacher perspectives.
- Blog posts with the tag “teaching” or look up post by Courtney Belolan, Justin Ballou, Erica Stofanak, and Barbara Weed.
If you have resources that you have found helpful or examples from your own efforts, please forward them to us.