More Schools Going Mastery
CompetencyWorks Blog

The Mastery Collaborative, a program based in New York City’s Department of Education’s Office of Postsecondary Readiness, announced the eight schools that will be making up the Mastery Collaborative Living Lab for 2015-16. These schools are implementing (or enhancing) a schoolwide mastery system, and as part of the Living Lab will make their classrooms, resources, and expertise available to others interested in mastery-based learning.
The eight schools are:
Bronx Leadership Academy 2 HS (BLA2)
Carroll Gardens School for Innovation (CGSI) (here is a link to my visit)
Knowledge and Power Preparatory Academy Int’l HS (KAPPA)
The Young Women’s Leadership School-Astoria (TYWLS-Astoria)
There are also an additional twenty schools that will be “Active Members” of the Mastery Collaborative that are going to start piloting a mastery-based system beginning with either one grade or one department. I’ve visited some of these schools and they had many, if not most, of the elements of competency education…which makes me wonder how many of them are in this position. Having schools pilot with an entire grade or department, as compared to just different classrooms, is going to be very valuable to our field because we don’t have much insight into the trade-offs about how a school rolls out competency education.
Academy for Software Engineering
Bronx Academy for Software Engineering
Bronx International HS
Bronx Compass HS
East Bronx Academy for the Future
Queens Flushing International HS
Global Technology Prep MS
Inwood Early College for Health and Information Technologies
Nelson Mandela School for Social Justice
Brooklyn North Queens Community HS
NYC Lab HS for Collaborative Studies
NYC Lab MS for Collaborative Studies
Manhattan International HS
Queens School of Inquiry
Urban Assembly School of Design and Construction
The Young Women’s Leadership School of the Bronx, Bronx