This Week: Webinars on Technology and Time
CompetencyWorks Blog

The Alliance for Excellent Education is offering three webinars that might be of interest to districts and schools converting to competency education. The first on how to use technology to support students that are “at-risk” (I’m not particularly fond of labeling kids) is Wednesday (as in tomorrow). The second on how to use time more creatively as a resource is on Thursday. The third is also about time and is scheduled for September 23rd. The information on the webinars is below including links to register.
Three Factors for Success in Using Technology to Support At-Risk Students
September 10, 2014 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm EDT
Linda Darling-Hammond, EdD; Charles E. Ducommun, Professor of Education, Stanford University Graduate School of Education, Faculty Director, Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE); Tom Murray, State and District Digital Learning Director, Alliance for Excellent Education; Molly B. Zielezinski, Doctoral Candidate, Learning Sciences and Technology Design, Stanford University Graduate School of Education
Please join the Alliance for Excellent Education for a webinar that will explore three important variables for success in using digital learning strategies to better support at-risk students: interactive learning, use of technology to explore and create, and the right blend of teachers and technology.
For decades, educators have sought to find better ways to close achievement gaps and better serve students at risk of failing courses or dropping out of high school. Of particular concern are the needs of students who struggle with personal challenges, such as pregnancy, mobility, or homelessness, and those who face academic challenges including credit deficiencies, are English language learners, or have special education needs. Many districts have turned to technology-driven solutions; yet in many cases, these efforts have failed to produce consistent improvements in student outcomes.
According to a new report by the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE), research indicates that there are examples of successful approaches to using technology to support at-risk students. SCOPE’s Linda Darling-Hammond, one of the report’s authors, will discuss the findings of the literature review and the three factors for success with at-risk students. Tom Murray of the Alliance will moderate the discussion and Molly Zielezinski will reflect on the findings and her time as a classroom teacher in both Massachusetts and California. Panelists will also address questions submitted by viewers from across the country.
Breaking Down Learning Barriers Through the Better Use of Time
September 11, 2014 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT
Gayle Manchin, President, West Virginia Board of Education; Susan Patrick, President and Chief Executive Officer, International Association for K–12 Online Learning ; Chip Slaven, Counsel to the President and Senior Advocacy Advisor, Alliance for Excellent Education; Bob Wise, President, Alliance for Excellent Education
Please join the Alliance for Excellent Education for a live and in-depth discussion on reimagining how time can be used better in education to offer students a richer education and more personalized student-centric approach to learning.
Across the nation, states are proposing changes to the time dynamic in education to take advantage of the opportunities available in today’s modern technology-driven world. The proposals to reimagine time include changing school calendars; providing more anywhere, anytime opportunities for students to learn outside of school; and transitioning to competency-based learning, which allows students who excel to advance only when they have mastered a subject and those who struggle to work on a unit or subject at their own pace and move on when they have mastered it. Under such a system, students become masters of their learning instead of being constrained by time restrictions.
This webinar will explore what states are doing related to time and competency-based learning, including an update on West Virginia’s efforts to reimagine time through their ground-breaking strategic planning effort to personalize learning for all of their students. Panelists will also address questions submitted by viewers from across the country.
Leading with a Vision:
Using Time Differently to Provide New and Better Student Learning Experiences
Buddy Berry, Superintendent, Eminence Independent Schools (KY)
Mary Fluharty, Coordinator of Online Learning, Alexandria City Public Schools (VA) (invited)
Apolinar Marroquin, Principal, Granite Hills High School (Porterville, CA)
Bob Rothman, Senior Fellow, Alliance for Excellent Education
Jonathan Spear, Cofounder, Generation Schools Network (Brooklyn, NY and Denver, CO)
Please join the Alliance for Excellent Education for a webinar on how schools and schools systems are using time differently to increase learning opportunities for students, such as opportunities for work- and project-based learning.
Schools and school systems throughout the country have been creating innovative models to transform the learning experience for young people, particularly those who have been poorly served by the education system. While these innovations differ in important ways, they share at least one element in common: a commitment to rethinking the use of time.
In putting these new models into place, their architects recognized that the traditional seven-hour day and nine-month structure of schools impeded their ability to develop stronger learning environments. In response, they restructured the clock and calendar to provide more and better learning time for students. By doing so, these innovative educators are achieving their goal of enhancing the learning environment for all young people. Panelists will discuss how technology has supported increasing the amount of time students are engaged inside and outside of the classroom. Panelists will also address questions submitted by viewers from across the country.
Register and submit questions for the webinar here.