A Reflection on the Field of K-12 Competency-Based Education and Emerging Issues

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View Slide DeckStates, districts and schools across the United States are realizing the shortcomings of the traditional seat-time based K-12 system and demanding more for their students. As a result, many leaders and practitioners are making the shift to competency-based education and designing new, personalized learning opportunities to better prepare students for college and 21st-century careers. As the field of competency-based education expands and evolves, it is important to reflect on how far we’ve come, where we are today, and where the field is going.
View this archived webinar to hear competency-based education experts Susan Patrick and Chris Sturgis reflect on the current state of competency-based education. Help identify the field’s emerging issues and provide insights to inform the future direction of competency-based education.
- Susan Patrick, President and CEO of iNACOL
- Chris Sturgis, Principal of MetisNet, Co-Founder of CompetencyWorks