Issues in Practice, Lead Change and Innovation
Competency Works: Re-Engineering for Competency Education: Information Technology Design Considerations

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View Slide DeckThis Competency Works Webinar is #5 in a Series of 6.
Competency-based learning is fundamental to design of new learning models that are student-centered and personalized. While competency-based learning has been an important concept for student-centered learning for decades, not until now did the capability for intelligent information systems — content management systems, learning management platforms, student information systems, and next generation gradebooks that are competency-based and e-portfolio ready — exist to help manage these loads of data on how student demonstrated proficiencies.
Join Liz Glowa, the author of Re-Engineering for Competency Education: Information Technology Design Considerations for a discussion on how we can re-engineer data systems from teacher-centric, course-based instructional models to student-centered, competency-based learning models. Glowa will provide an overview of her findings with time for participants to ask questions and share their insights.
In preparation for the webinar we hope that you will review Re-Engineering for Competency Education: Information Technology Design Considerations (pdf).