Issues in Practice, Learn Lessons from the Field
Fit for Purpose: Taking the Long View on Systems Change and Policy to Support Competency Education

To build a vision for coherent, student-centered systems — and to encourage all stakeholders to take ownership of education innovation — we must take the long view in our approach to state policy. The work begins with unpacking brave new ideas about education, piece by piece, so that policymakers understand each issue that must be addressed for sustainable education transformation.
You’re invited to join iNACOL’s president and CEO and policy team to discuss the long game in moving toward personalized, competency-based education in the United States in an iNACOL Special Edition Webinar on August 28, 2018.
Earlier this year, the iNACOL CompetencyWorks project released a policy report that will help guide our conversation during the webinar. Titled Fit for Purpose: Taking the Long View on Systems Change and Policy to Support Competency Education, the publication introduces four “threshold concepts” to help us think differently about what is possible in an equitable future education system where all students succeed. Fit for Purpose also tackles how to address deep-seated system design flaws across K-12 education.
View this archived webinar to be a part of the conversation about whether our education system is designed for today’s needs and to be a part of the movement to accelerate the shift toward a holistic competency-based education system that ensures mastery for every student to thrive.
- Susan Patrick, President and CEO, iNACOL (@susandpatrick)
- Maria Worthen, Vice President for Federal and State Policy, iNACOL (@mariaworthen)
- Dale Frost, State Policy Director, iNACOL (@DaleKFrost)
- Natalie Truong, Policy Director, iNACOL (@ntruongedu)