Issues in Practice, Activate Student Agency
Implementing a Response to Intervention Program Using Blended Learning and Digital Tools

This webinar will provide information about the blended learning RtI framework that was developed by the Spring ISD Virtual School and specifically, how to target students’ needs and strengths so they can proceed on a self-paced and competency-based pathway.
The Spring ISD Virtual School took 5 years to implement a comprehensive RtI program that utilizes face-to-face, blended and online tools. Students, especially at the high school level in low-income areas, have a vast range of learning skills and deficits that this RtI model has been able to address.
Response to Intervention (RtI) is critical for ensuring student success in all school subjects – regardless if the learning is face-to-face, blended or online. Utilizing online tools for all types of classrooms can enhance the RtI program in any school. View the presentation slide handouts or download the webinar and see how you can improve RtI in your school, district, or state.