State Policy, Modernize and Diversify the Educator-Leader Workforce
Next Steps for Digital Learning Now: Roadmap and Legislation for State-level Online Learning Policy

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Access PresentationIn this leadership webinar, you will have the opportunity to hear from Foundation for Excellence in Education and Alliance for Excellent Education representatives, who discuss their efforts to advocate for policy change, creating a high-quality digital learning environment for all students.
As state legislatures convene this year, online learning policy is likely to be a topic in many states. In 2011, 16 states enacted legislation related to online learning. Much of the 2011 activity was in response to the 10 Digital Learning Now policy elements released in December 2010. Since that time, the Foundation for Excellence in Education has released a Roadmap to Reform to provide guidance for state policymakers wishing to implement the Digital Learning Now elements. Download this webinar and become knowledgeable about policy advocacy at the state level for education reform.