Issues in Practice, Rethink Instruction
Promising Practices in Next Generation Learning Models for English Language Learners

In schools across the United States, next generation learning models are beginning to transform learning for English Language Learners (ELLs) with personalized, competency-based education. Approaching nearly 5 million students, ELLs make up the fastest growing student group in the U.S. Unfortunately, traditional K-12 systems are often challenged to adequately met these students’ diverse needs. Almost 20 percent of ELLs do not graduate on time, and for those who pursue a postsecondary education, about 40 percent are placed in remediation classes upon leaving the K-12 system. Education programs must recalibrate to becELL webinar- Final.compressedome more student-centered to better meet the unique needs of all students, including ELLs. Student-centered teaching and learning are necessary to better serve students with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. No singular approach may work for all ELL students; however, personalized, competency-based education holds promise for meeting students’ needs no matter where they are in their learning.
A recent iNACOL report, Next Generation Learning Models for English Language Learners: Promising Practices and Considerations for Teaching and Learning, shares promising practices and case studies of next generation designs advancing learning for ELL students. The paper also identifies core elements and principles for a next generation classroom to support ELL student success:
- Redefining what success means and looks like for ELL students,
- Assessments of and for learning,
- Personalized approaches that focus on educating the whole child, and
- Building educator role and capacity to meet the needs of every student.
Join school leaders and ELL experts from schools and school networks highlighted in the report as they discuss transforming education models to personalized, competency education for ELL students.
- Mariela Spejh, Minnesota Executive Director, Distinctive Schools
- Jaime Barraza, Director of Biliteracy, Distinctive Schools
- Laureen Avery, Director of Northeast Regional Office, UCLA Center X, Project Exc-EL Schools
- Daniel Sass, Assistant Principal, International High School at Langley Park
- Natalie Truong, Policy Director, iNACOL