Issues in Practice, How to Get Started, Engage Community
Redefining Student Success in K-12 Education: Getting Started with “Profile of a Graduate” Conversations in Your Schools and Communities

In this era of flexibility under ESSA, it is critical to re-engage in deep conversations around the purpose of public education with communities, parents, districts and states and develop a 21st century definition of student success. What are the processes and steps to engage in meaningful and ongoing conversations with communities, parents and educators to redefine student success?
Learn about efforts nationwide to redefine student success through Profile of a Graduate work and the importance of energizing communities, educators, students and parents in a new conversation on the purpose of K-12 education. The focus is to realize the opportunities in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) for states and localities to create a 21st century definition of student success. The intent of Profile of a Graduate initiatives in each community is to establish deep support for modernizing teaching and learning and to support student mastery of knowledge and skills needed for future success.
This webinar is to inform the field about why it is important for K-12 schools and districts to lead conversations in their communities around a Profile of a Graduate and how to get started. Learn about tools and resources available to support schools and districts in the process of redefining student success to align to students’ college- and career-readiness. Presenters will focus on the steps and processes to better engage communities and a range of stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers, community leaders, workforce leaders and higher education. This webinar will share lessons learned from EdLeaders21, a non-profit working directly with schools and districts that have already adopted a new Profile of a Graduate.
It is time to begin a new conversation in our communities asking, “What does it take for students to succeed in college, career and life?”
View this archived webinar to learn how education leaders can develop a more meaningful, 21st century definition of student success for their school or district through the Profile of a Graduate initiative, and learn ways you can get started in this work.
- Ken Kay, CEO, EdLeader21
- Susan Patrick, President and CEO, iNACOL