Supporting Educators Transitioning to a Competency-Based and Personalized Learning System

The journey to competency-based education (CBE) is often filled with lessons, challenges, detours, setbacks, and successes. Though there are many on-ramps to future-focused student-centered learning models, the shift typically begins with a question: how can we do better on behalf of our young learners to adequately prepare them for life after K-12 education? This webinar will offer participants a roadmap and possible on-ramps from the traditional schooling model to a personalized, competency-based model. With an overview of the hallmarks of CBE and a discussion of instructional practices and changes in grading and assessments, the discussion will center the role of collaborative teams and focused professional learning in supporting the transition. In addition, attendees will learn how state policy can support scaling their efforts.
- Brian Stack, Principal, Sanborn Regional High School, @bstackbu
- Jonathan Vander Els, Director of Innovative Projects, New Hampshire Learning Initiative, @jvanderels
- Maria Worthen, Vice President for Federal and State Policy, iNACOL, @mariaworthen