Issues in Practice, Support Professional Learning
What K-12 Online & Blended Education Can Learn from Higher Ed

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Access PresentationPresenters share the Blended Learning Toolkit, originally developed by university experts for higher education, but it also serves as a valuable resource for school districts and teachers interested in implementing K-12 blended and online learning programs.
The toolkit resources include:
- Guidelines – best practices, strategies, models and course design principles to assist in developing and maintaining a blended learning course.
- Course templates – an outline for the general structure of an online or blended course, including two OER courses examples, Algebra I and Composition, with course content packages for download.
- Research materials – information on organizations, journals and conferences focused on online and blended learning.
- Train-the-trainer materials – development courses and workshops for instructors, including a self-paced online training program.
- Assessment tools – evaluation and data collection protocols, including survey instruments on efficacy/evaluation and standards.
View this webinar and gain access to the Blended Learning Toolkit – better enabling you to provide each student with access and options to courses and curriculum need to help them succeed.