Press Release
Newly Released Aurora Institute Federal Policy Priorities Call on Policymakers to Transform K-12 Education

ARLINGTON, VA – (July 21, 2022): Today, the Aurora Institute – a national education nonprofit focused on education systems change – has released its annual report outlining key federal policy issues aimed at transforming our K-12 education system so it is fit for purpose, strengthening our democracy and shaping our next generation of engaged citizens.
Informed by the expertise and wisdom of thousands in its community, the Aurora Institute’s federal policy priorities are a set of nine recommendations designed to ensure education systems move from the current state to future-focused systems capable of preparing all learners with building the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve lifelong success. The priorities include:
o Advance education innovations
o Transform systems of assessments
o Rethink next generation accountability
o Create learning ecosystems and competency-based pathways aligned across K-12, higher education, career and technical education, and the workforce
o Modernize the educator workforce
o Diversify the educator workforce
o Advance educational equity
o Bridge the digital divide
o Support COVID-19 learning recovery
“This set of innovative, future-focused federal policy recommendations are geared at challenging the status quo and current federal policy frames that perpetuate tinkering with the existing system, rather than reimagining it,” said Susan Patrick, the organization’s president and chief executive officer. “It’s past time that federal policymakers shift their mindsets and embark on fundamental changes that support innovation from the bottom-up in order to begin to advance future focused education systems for a greater good.”
The Aurora Institute Center for Policy conducts policy analysis and provides recommendations to federal and state policymakers, education agencies, state boards, education leaders, and other local policymakers to work together with their communities to transform education systems; advance competency-based education systems and align pathways; build capacity by investing in people, rethink accountability and assessment, and advance educational equity.
Download our 2022 federal policy recommendations for a full analysis of these issues. Policy makers at all levels are encouraged to contact the Aurora Institute Center for Policy for more information or assistance.