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Aurora Institute

CompetencyWorks, Report

Levers and Logic Models: A Framework to Guide Research and Design of High-Quality Competency-Based Education Systems

Author(s): Chris Sturgis, Katherine Casey

Organization(s): CompetencyWorks, iNACOL

Issue(s): Federal Policy, Design for Educational Equity, Issues in Practice, Evaluate Quality

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Levers and Logic Models: A Framework to Guide Research and Design of High-Quality Competency-Based Education Systems, uses logic model frameworks to convey relationships between essential levers (outcomes, drivers and mediating factors) that inform the design of competency-based education systems and critical components of competency-based practice at four interdependent levels (student experience, professional practice of educators, district and school systems and culture). Logic models are tools used to conceptualize organizations, programs or strategies to bring about change and to support the evaluation of effectiveness.

Report authors Chris Sturgis and Katherine Casey present logic models that are intended to help researchers and practitioners understand the critical components of competency-based education at multiple levels of practice.