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Symposium 2020
Many secondary schools have implemented or are considering implementing Advisory; but too often, this space is used for administrative tasks or homework. In this design workshop, experienced practitioners will share best practices (and mistakes!) in Advisory design and coach participants in building the foundation for whole-school transformation. The proven practices and co-created designs will focus on unlocking student ownership, accountability, social-emotional skills, and metacognition.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Learn the power of a well-designed Advisory period, proven and effective models, and connections to whole school redesign and transformation.
  2. Co-create rubrics that define the depth of student ownership and quality academic and social-emotional reflective practice.
  3. Design protocols for their classroom, school, or district to empower students in their learning, including goal-setting, self-tracking, and reflection.


  • Rupa Gupta, Founder & CEO, Sown to Grow | @sowntogrow
  • James Bailey, School Transformation Administrator / Founder, Leading Learners Institute | @Princoach81
  • Kimberly Collins, Middle School Teacher Leader, Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders | @kacollins0618