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Symposium 2020
When a portion of a child’s instruction is home-based, it is critical to maximize the adult in the home. For a child with a disability or their struggling peers, it is vital. This presentation will examine the Power of Two by exploring specific ways to empower the parent or adult family member to serve as a learning coach. Through effective collaboration, educators can further plan, develop, and support all students to further empower learning coaches and thus, address varied learning needs.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explore interactive ways to further empower parents and adult family members to support the education of their child.
  2. Be able to identify specific strategies to employ to effectively enhance collaborative solutions between educators and adults in the home environment.
  3. Understand and begin to apply strategies and digital tools to effectively engage the adult family member in the home learning environment.


  • Dr. Sean Smith, Professor, University of Kansas | @KUSpecialEd
  • Dr. Kavita Rao, Professor, University of Hawai’i | @uhmanoacoe