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Symposium 2022
How can a community-based teacher pipeline and college pathways model lead to educational equity and a diverse educator workforce? Panelists will discuss their role and participation in the Journey Into Education and Teaching (JET) program. JET bridges K-12 schools and higher education by mentoring paraeducators in their entire journey as they obtain a bachelor’s degree and teaching license. Panelists include a JET scholar, a district partner, and a JET director.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Gain knowledge about community-based teacher pipeline models.
  2. Become familiar with the value of mentor-mentee relationships in the context of college pathways for adult learners.
  3. Understand how integrated strategies on workforce solutions, teacher diversity, and college success can inform policy and practice.


  • Pam Herrup, Journey Into Education and Teaching
  • Casel Walker, Journey Into Education and Teaching
  • Kathleen Moran, Brockton Public Schools (MA)