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Symposium 2022
Educators will gain insight on best practices and proven strategies of success to kick-start the implementation of competency-based learning (CBL) at their institution. We will cover the detailed consideration given to the development of a CBL model employed by Virtual Learning Academy Charter School, a leading pioneer in competency-based, online learning. Insights and best practices they have learned over the years will showcase how to overcome barriers and enable other CBL providers to scale.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Learn the foundations of a competency-based program.
  2. Gain insight on the technology tools available to make CBL a practical and scalable reality. Learn how your learning management system (LMS) and student information system (SIS) communicate to support personalized assessment.
  3. Learn how to use artifacts, rubrics, and instructor feedback to paint a full assessment picture.


  • Steve Kossakoski, Virtual Learning Academy Charter School
  • Natalie Berger, Virtual Learning Academy Charter School
  • Scott Prescott, Virtual Learning Academy Charter School
  • Julie Reece, Virtual Learning Academy Charter School
  • Dr. Jose Sabat, Maestro SIS by BocaVox