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Symposium 2022
We expect every student to be ready for challenges ahead: to learn more, understand more deeply, and transfer learning to real-world contexts. Integrating five teacher moves in an Actionable Assessment Cycle can build a supportive classroom culture for deeper thinking and self-directed learning. Examples and planning strategies for each will be modeled: ask probing questions, build schemas, consider strategic scaffolding, develop complex tasks, and engage in metacognition and reflection.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify strategies to promote deep learning and self-direction skills when shifting from teacher-directed to student-driven projects and performance tasks.
  2. Describe how metacognition and reflection strategies appropriate to your grade level or content area create a more equitable classroom culture.
  3. Use unit planning and walk-through tools provided to apply the five essential teacher moves to stages of an Actionable Assessment Cycle.


  • Karin Hess, Educational Research in Action