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Symposium 2022
The population of multilingual learners (MLLs) continues to grow in rural areas as families seek opportunity through immigration resettlement programs, agricultural employment, and other benefits afforded by small towns. This creates new challenges for teachers who find themselves unprepared to work effectively with MLLs. This session explores the question: “What is the most effective and efficient strategy for supporting teachers working with MLLs in rural and remote sites?

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Learn about the population of English Learners and immigrant families in rural New England and the factors that lead to resettlement in this area. 
  2. Hear about the unique challenges of isolation in teaching, with a focus on the rural teacher of MLLs.
  3. Explore a model of competency-based professional learning for teachers embedded in a system of peer networking as a way of building camaraderie fighting isolation. 


  • Laureen Avery, UCLA Center X/ The ExcEL Leadership Academy
  • Jason Cervone, UCLA Center X/ExcEL Leadership Academy
  • Christopher Clouet, Mitchell College/ExcEL Leadership Academy