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Problem-Based Learning is a tool for professional development that has been used for 10+ years with aspiring, new, and experienced leaders at Summit Public Schools and other K-12 schools. Rooted in daily experiences and operational challenges at schools, participants consistently find it immediately applicable for student-centered decision-making. In this session, you’ll learn the types of Problem-Based Learning, best practices, and receive a how-to-implement guide to apply it to your context.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand the theoretical and practical underpinnings of Problem-Based Learning, in contrast with more traditional forms of professional development.
  2. Experience what it feels like to engage in Problem-Based Learning with peers.
  3. Leave equipped with tools to start using Problem-Based Learning in your own educational context.


  • Greg Ponikvar, Summit Public Schools
  • David Tellez, Summit Public Schools