Promising State Policies to Enable and Scale Personalized Learning
What are the promising state policies to scale and enable personalized learning? How can policymakers develop and…
What are the promising state policies to scale and enable personalized learning? How can policymakers develop and…
A wide array of high-quality research shows that intrapersonal and interpersonal non-cognitive skills, such as self-control and social…
“For too long, assessment has been something that is ‘done to’ kids instead of with them,” said…
Next generation learning models redesign K-12 education to optimize learning for each student. New models are emerging…
Maker education is about giving students access to a new class of technologies, enabling students to design,…
Learn about how Minecraft is making its way into the classroom and connecting kids and literature. If you’re…
Are you considering a blended learning imitative for your school or district, or perhaps are in the…
How can educators ensure that learning is sustained throughout the year? In this Teacher Talk webinar, a…
Keeping Pace has been tracking trends in online and blended learning policy and practice for 12 years….
On Wednesday, December 9, 2015, Congress passed a bill that reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act….