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Aurora Institute

Competency Education at the Education Innovation Summit

CompetencyWorks Blog

Author(s): Chris Sturgis

Issue(s): Issues in Practice, How to Get Started, Commit to Equity

I was lucky to get to go to the Education Innovation Summit. They’ve just uploaded video of their keynote speakers and panels so you can get a sense of the conversations among the technology innovators and the investors.

Below are links to two of the highlights of the event. The first is the competency education panel with Dr. Sybil Francis, Executive Director, Center for the Future of Arizona, Rich Crandall, Senator, Arizona State Legislature, and  Susan Patrick, President and CEO, International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL).


Another highlight was ASU President Michael Crow describing the performance of our education system and the  importance of managing for inclusiveness.  This way of thinking rings true for me as does competency education — designing with the assumption that all students are going to need help at some point rather than a straight “assembly-belt” line. He does a great job funning at higher education as an industry that in general takes their exclusiveness as a sign of their effectiveness rather than the other way around. (Jump to minute 4 to skip the introductions)