Making the Case for CBE Programs
CompetencyWorks Blog

On March 29 from 2 PM to 3 PM ET, American Institutes for Research, the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, Public Agenda, and the Competency-Based Education Network: C-BEN are hosting a webinar Making the Case for CBE Programs: Aligning for Learning: Evaluating Connections.
Presenters include:
Natasha Jankowski, Director, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment
Kelle Parsons, Researcher, Postsecondary Success, American Institutes for Research
Matt Soldner, Principal Researcher, Postsecondary Success, American Institutes for Research
You can Register Here.
Description of the Webinar
Competency-Based Education is about the DOING of learning, which means that the assessment of learning takes on significant prominence in the enterprise. On the one hand, decisions need to be made about the measures or types of assessment used. Yet, in addition to choice of assessment approach, there is a need to have clear demonstration of alignment between competencies, assessments, and broader evaluation goals. It is critical to our understanding program effectiveness as well as integrated student learning. Further, without clear alignment, using the information to make meaningful programmatic changes becomes increasingly difficult.
This webinar presents the importance of alignment in relation to validity of learning and evaluation of program effectiveness as well as explores implications for ways to address misunderstandings in the larger field of higher education around high quality CBE programs through communication of internal alignment.
You can find previous webinars and other resources here.