Put Your Thinking Hats On – It’s VSS Time
CompetencyWorks Blog

Hi all — iNACOL has opened up its process for presentation proposals for sessions at the Virtual Schools Symposium. The theme of this year’s symposium will be “Transforming to Student-Centered Learning.”
As you may know, iNACOL organized a strand of presentations on competency education last year. This year we want to make it even better by being a bit more strategic – by finding out what topics people want to learn about as well as pro-actively constructing a set of presentations that build upon each other.
So first step – can you use the comments section (or email me) to list any topics you would really like to see covered at VSS? We videotape some of them so they can be used later as well. Or, if you are already working on a presentation proposal, let us know so we can coordinate around it and avoid duplication.
The conference will be held from October 27 – 30, 2013 in Orlando, FL at the Swan and Dolphin Resort. The Request for Presentation Proposals (RFP) is currently available on the conference website. To access the RFP and submit your presentation, please visit http://vssrfp.inacol.org. The deadline for submitting presentation proposals is March 25, 2013.