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Aurora Institute


A Masters Degree in Learner-Centered Education: A Case Study Conversation with the Aurora Institute and 2Revolutions

We know that educator capacity and professional learning is a key ingredient in the success of learner-centered systems transformation. Nevertheless, professional learning and post-secondary degree programs for educators seeking to further their expertise and career paths largely look the same as they did 30 years ago. But what if there was a degree program specifically focused on supporting educators to develop expertise around learner-centered education that was learner-centered by design? In this webinar, Aurora sat down with educators and district leaders who have benefited from such a program – a cutting edge, one of a kind master’s of education program through Spalding University and 2Revolutions. Learn about the program design and explore the impact it’s had on learning communities, educators, and students.


  • Jennifer Kabaker, Director of Strategy & Partnerships, Aurora Institute
  • Catherine Thorn, Senior Director, 2Revolutions
  • Julia Miller, Education Consultant, West Ada School District
  • Dr. Cory J. Steiner, Superintendent, Northern Cass School District #97
  • Tammy Cabral, Middle School Teacher, Wai’anae Intermediate School