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Symposium 2022
When implemented effectively in classrooms, social emotional learning (SEL) practices can help students find their identities and locate themselves within communities in person and online. However, many young people report having their mental health negatively impacted by social media. This session will discuss implementing the best SEL teaching methods so students can navigate this digital world safely when finding their voice and developing their sense of self.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Provide a proactive approach to digital learning by identifying what makes a responsible digital user and discussing what can be gained so students feel confident.
  2. Understand the SEL skills students need to be responsible digital users, emotions and experiences students experience online, and what they learn as they engage with social media.
  3. Learn how we can adopt current learning practices in schools without additional funding. Deep dive into solutions currently being implemented and how we can improve them.


  • Jayden Liberty, SXSW EDU
  • Auva Saghafi, SXSW EDU