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Symposium 2022
Last year, ten equity-driven rural communities set out to reimagine school with Transcend. District teams listened to students, learned how they were experiencing school, and worked with their communities to envision bold new models. We invite you to engage with a panel of rural leaders to learn about the challenges they are facing and how they are leveraging their community’s unique assets to design, pilot, and scale learning experiences that make The Leaps for Equitable 21st Century Learning.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explore the challenges rural communities face and the ways in which school leaders are leveraging their unique assets to reimagine school and address these challenges.
  2. Deepen an understanding of The Leaps and how the Rural Schools Design Community used them to understand how their young people were experiencing their school models.
  3. Learn from and brainstorm with rural school designers to envision the ways you can leverage your community’s unique assets to make The Leaps in your own school or district.


  • Taina Torres, Transcend Education
  • Jenny O’Meara, Transcend Education
  • Cederick Ellis, McComb School District 
  • Jeremiah Johnson, McComb High School
  • Lillian Edwards, Spring Creek School, Todd County School District
  • Andrew Wolff, Clear Creek School District