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Symposium 2022
How do we know students are learning, and how do we transform our systems to support them in real time? Performance-based assessment provides a compass for learning progress and support. Come learn about a new tool that supports school, network, and systems leaders to implement performance-based learning across their systems. We will explore how the Quality Criteria for Systems of Performance Assessment Tool can support 21st century competencies for all students in your system.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explore the Quality Criteria Self-Assessment Tool to help your team implement assessments that support 21st century competencies for all students.
  2. Apply the Quality Criteria Self-Assessment tool to your current context to identify how to use performance-based assessment in your system or network of schools.
  3. Identify priority areas and next steps to further advance performance-based assessment systems in your system.


  • Larkin Willis, Learning Policy Institute
  • Aneesha Badrinarayan, Learning Policy Institute