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Symposium 2022
What happens when learners progress towards mastery of competencies prioritized in your school’s graduate profile? Learners and educators in schools advancing on their Journey to Mastery Learning will share strategies to focus learning and teaching on more personalized, competency-based approaches. This session will help educators learn promising practices that bring the graduate profile to life for learners, and understand how to implement those practices in their own unique context.

Session Learning Outcomes:

  1. Describe the different ways that schools have approached integrating their graduate profile competencies within their learning model.
  2. Develop plans for supporting learners in progressing towards mastery of your graduate profile competencies.
  3. Incorporate learner voice in the design and development of your school’s plan for bringing the graduate profile to life.


  • Susan Bell, Mastery Transcript Consortium
  • Gwyneth Connell, Pomfret School
  • Cory Steiner, Northern Cass School District
  • Tom Klapp, Northern Cass School District