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Aurora Institute

Robert Sommers Announced New Secretery of Ed for Oklahoma

CompetencyWorks Blog

Author(s): Chris Sturgis

Issue(s): Issues in Practice, Lead Change and Innovation

Screen Shot 2013-07-26 at 12.23.33 PMThis week Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin announced Robert Sommers to be the new secretary of education.  This is very exciting new as Sommers was previously the CEO and managing director of Carpe Diem Learning Systems (CDLS), a program that was developing competency-based blended learning models.  CDLS has been involved with replicating the Carpe Diem model in Indianapolis.

Bob has been sharing his expertise and insights in the power of competency-based blended learning with the ACHIEVE workgroup on competency education.  He brings an incredibly strong commitment to equity and the incredible things that can happen when the expectations are clear and the right supports are in place.  This is a great position for him to guide OK as well as engage with other states.

Stay tuned for more.